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Welcome to my blog!

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

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Countdown to Graduation

As I write this, I sit at home in my house surrounded by my family and keeping up with my online classes at Hampton University. I certainly never imagined that the last portion of my senior year of college would be spent back home in quarantine. A lot of my peers are anxious, as we try to navigate what the rest of this semester, as well as life after college will look like. In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, our commencement ceremony may not take place as scheduled.

Productivity Period

While I have this extended period of free time, I am making the best of it and staying productive. My family and I have created a regimented schedule, outlining our meal times, homework sessions, exercise and even a special reading family time. Considering that I would have spent this time away from my younger sisters by being at school, I am savoring every opportunity to be in the moment with them.

The Next Chapter

After much prayer, hard work, networking, applications and extended, anxious periods of waiting, I am blessed to have clarity about what life after Hampton will look like for me. Check out my next blog post for a very special official announcement!

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